Asphalt Pavement Installation: How Does It Happen?
There are a lot of people who still have no idea why we use Asphalt to construct or resurface our driveways. Even though they have chosen this option at their place, but still, have a lot to learn about it. So, let’s help such people to know about how we install the asphalt pavements and how the whole process is done.
Cleaning the way out or demolishing the
existing pavement: If
you have a newly constructed building & now you are going to install the
asphalt pavement, you just have to simply clean out the place and mark it
before you hire the asphalt pavers Marlborough MA contractors
for this job. If you think you can do it by yourself, then you are completely
mistaken. You have to take professional help before you start constructing it.
On the other hand, if your place is old and your want to resurface the
pavements, you have to first demolish the existing structure, remove the debris,
clean it properly and then call the experts to do this job.
Preparing the space: Preparing your pavement space needs to first
slope it properly so that there are no irregular edges on the surface. A
perfect slope will also prevent water damage and will let it flow smoothly over
the plane. Then the contractors will prepare the sub-base which is important
because it’s the only approach that will reduce the damage caused due to the
winter season. You have to make sure that people working for this job will
install a thick base so that it can add to the durability of asphalt.
Addition of Binder: As soon as you finish with the sub base, it’s
time to add the binder layer which is a combination of aggregate mixed with a
particular oil to give strength to the asphalt surface. Without it, it may be
tough for asphalt to hold the ground perfectly.
Installing the Asphalt Layer: This is the last step in which your asphalt
paving Marlborough MA contractor will place a fresh layer of
asphalt to keep it smooth and shiny and give a perfect ride to the
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